Addiction recovery coaching

Most of us have been affected by addiction. If it’s not us, then it’s someone we love, a friend or colleague.

It’s also not just drugs and alcohol we are addicted to anymore. It’s shopping, food, sex, social media - anything that numbs, releases that dopamine and lets us escape and cope with the stresses of our daily lives.

Addiction is a symptom of a deeper problem.

So many programs treat the symptoms, but not the real problem.

It’s kind of like when you take cough medicine, it suppresses the cough but it doesn’t address the real problem. What if it’s pneumonia? If you just keep taking the cough medicine and don’t heal the pneumonia, you’ll just get sicker and sicker. If you take an antibiotic, which cures the pneumonia, eventually you don’t need the cough medicine anymore.

When we just put a band aid on the symptoms, the addiction can be controlled but it doesn’t go away. That’s why there’s such a high rate of relapse. Or it can manifest as another kind of addiction - food, sex, scrolling.

In the work I do with my clients, the cause of the problem is often trauma.

As Russell Brand says, “Trauma is the gateway. Childhood abuse is the gateway. Molestation is the gateway. Neglect is the gateway. Drug abuse, violent behavior, hyper sexuality and self harm are often symptoms (not the cause) of much bigger issues. And it almost always stems from a childhood filled with trauma, absent parents and abusive families.”


It isn’t about blaming. Not at all, once we find the root cause, we can understand what we needed to learn, make peace with our past, take 100% responsibility for our lives and design a very different future.

When we heal ourselves, it stops the cycle and ripples through generations.

Because statistically, everyone of us has been affected by addiction. If it’s not you it’s a family member, friend, colleague.


The mind is divided between the conscious and unconscious (or as some call it, the subconscious).

Our unconscious mind accounts for 90%. It is super powerful. It’s main job is to preserve and run our body. We don’t have to consciously think, heart beat, lungs breathe, cells divide and multiple. When you get a cut, your body heals it. When you’re pregnant, you don’t have to think - ok, today I need to grow my baby’s heart.Your mind and body know what it needs to do.

Your unconscious mind also organizes all of your memories. It’s where your beliefs, values and your behaviours reside. 

Most people approach change by making a conscious effort. The conscious mind is 10% and is either working with or against the other 90% in the unconscious mind.

If you’re having trouble making a change, it’s often not about more effort, more willpower. There’s something in your unconscious mind - a negative emotion, a pattern of behaviour or a belief that’s not serving you anymore.

I use a number of tools with my clients to make the changes they want at the unconscious level so that it’s easy, healthy and permanent. 


  • I’ll ask you some questions and do detailed personal history to discover not what you think - but HOW you think. We’ll get to the ROOT of the problem.

  • Unlike therapy where you can spend years talking about the problem, this is the ONLY time you’ll talk about it and only for about an hour.

  • And then we'll start to release stuff that’s keeping you up at night. We don’t park it, we dissolve it.

I put you in touch with your own inner resources so you can heal yourself.

Unlike therapy or traditional life coaching, I use the most transformational tools that creates change at the neurological level.